Current Events

Images (left) © André Zelck | Image (right) © STUDIO 47
Gijs Luijten shows the Ministerpresident Wüst, Ministerin Brandes the enFaced Project.
Multiple camera teams attended and STUDIO 47 posted an interview and overview video online.
Shout out to Christina Gsaxner and Jan Egger!

Among others, Jens and me got interviewed by Jonathan O’Callaghan about the Apple Vision Pro and what it means for scientists for Nature News:

We are looking for more shapes for our MedShapeNet. If you want to contribute medical shapes, please get in contact with us! As reward for your efforts, we will include you as co-author in our next MedShapeNet paper!

The Faking_it Team (A. Ferreira, N. Solak, J. Li, P. Dammann, J. Kleesiek, V. Alves and J. Egger) made the 1st Place at The International Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Cluster of Challenges (Adult Glioma) in 2023.

Unser Institut im ZDF (Volle Kanne): “Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizin - Chancen und Risiken von KI im Medizinsektor

Künstliche Intelligenz, kurz KI genannt, kommt immer mehr im medizinischen Sektor zum Einsatz. Sie bringt neue Möglichkeiten, doch es gibt auch Risiken und Unsicherheiten. Was kann KI mittlerweile und wo liegen die Grenzen?